DaniloFoto can offer you this services:
Shooting for both commercial and private purposes.
Sales of printed / enlarged images from DaniloFoto's excisting images.
Sell the usage rights from some of DaniloFoto's excisting images.
Picture enhancement of images*1
Image editing of images*1
Image editing / adjust images acquired by DaniloFoto to meet your needs
Customize and enhance your photos for enlargements*2
Make enlargements on desired material (such as canvas, glossy photo paper, fine art paper, etc.)
Create photo books of high quality, either by your own images*3 or purchased pictures taken by DaniloFoto
Create invitations, postcards, thank you cards, greeting cards, etc.
Customize images for use on the web.
Create simple websites.
Create logos
Package deal with some of the above-mentioned services such as image enhancement, image magnification and printed on canvas
*1 You own and have created the image your self or have written permission from the author to use and alter / modify the photo